

How to open a wrapped rice ball

A rice ball is one of the typical Japanese food. It's very delicious which the dried seaweed is crispy and the ingredien...

A raw egg on rice “TKG” is one of the Japanese favorite food!

Japanese people often eat raw egg. We put it on noodle or mix it in Natto なっとう. However we love warm steamed rice with a...

Ramen EXPO in Osaka Japan

There are ten ramen restaurants at one place now! It's Ramen EXPO in Osaka Banpakukoen!! Banpakukoen is Expo'70 Commemor...

An extremely rich Ramen noodle soup from Tenkaippin

These days it's getting cold in Japan. The snow season is just around the corner. What would you like to eat when it's c...

“Washlet” Japanese toilet

There is a Washlet in Japanese washroom that rinses your bottom after releaving your

Pokémon centers in Japan

Pokémon is very popular all over the world these days not only for kids but also for adults! Do you know Pokémon has sta...

A local food in Osaka from 551 HORAI

Osaka in Japan is well known for foods made with flour such as octopus balls called Takoyaki in Japanese, Japanese savor...

Japanese craft Gin “Roku Gin” from Suntory

There is a special Gin in Japan by Suntory. It's Roku Gin. It contains eight based botanicals and six special Japanese botanicals.

Japanese popular souvenir “Kiyoken’s chinese dumplings”

What do you buy for your friends, your family and yourself when you visit other countries? Some local food what you've h...

Suntory whisky kakubin and soda goes well with Japanese fried chicken!

What comes to mind when you think of travelling? Sightseeing is very important of course. And more? The best part of tra...