
Boys Manga

“Chicken Tatsuta” – The Japanese MacDonald’s limited time hamburger-

I share the fillings and taste of the Japanese limited period burger at MacDonalds "Chicken Tatsuta" that is co
Boys Manga

Furikake ふりかけ

I inform a Japanese furikake that is a dry seasoning powder to topping on a rice. Especially I share you Furikake of Demon Slayer.
Boys Manga

A Convenience store’s sweets of Demon Slayer

I introduce Japanese snacks, Demon Slayer and a Japanese voice actor.
Boys Manga

MENKO of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba 鬼滅の刃

I share Japanese card game Menko designed Damon Slayer.
Boys Manga


I share one piece and the fascinating elements for example Luffy, Zoro and Sanji