Boys Manga Furikake ふりかけ I inform a Japanese furikake that is a dry seasoning powder to topping on a rice. Especially I share you Furikake of Demon Slayer. 2022.01.21 Boys MangaFoodJapanese ProductsManga
Culture O Dango お団子 (Japanese sweet rice dumpling) I share you some Japanese sweet rice dumplings for example tastes, shapes and culture. 2022.01.17 CultureFoodSweets
Boys Manga A Convenience store’s sweets of Demon Slayer I introduce Japanese snacks, Demon Slayer and a Japanese voice actor. 2022.01.12 Boys MangaCultureFoodSweetsVoice Actor
Culture Tenkin-zoku 転勤族 Moving for business with family. I introduce one case of Japanese family called tenkinzoku. They get transferred many times. and I share you Japanese winter! 2022.01.11 Culture