未分類 A Funtastic Lemon Sour Drink from Japan!! Do you know there are so many kinds of drinking in Japan? It’s true! You might be surprised. They are not only sake or b... 2025.01.17 未分類
未分類 A Chewy Creamy roll cake?! From Lawson What would you like to eat when you visit Japan? Ramen? Sushi? How about a Japanese convenience sweets? They are so high... 2024.10.22 未分類
未分類 Unbelievable puffy-fluffy foam from canned beer! There are an unique can of beer in Japan. The canned beer is like a draft beer and foam poured into a mug! Can you imagi... 2024.10.07 未分類
Culture Setsubun 節分 I share Japanese event Setsubun. It is throwing away beans to devil and eating Ehoumaki it is a kind of sushi roll. 2022.02.03 CultureFood未分類
未分類 Itadakimasu いただきます I share some Japanese breakfast especially hotel breakfast at Kyoto. And I share some words Itadakimasu and Gotisousama for the meal. 2021.12.23 未分類
Food Uncle Rikuro’s Cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ I share you a famous cheese cake from Osaka called Uncle Rikuro's cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ 2021.12.15 FoodSweets未分類
Boys Manga MENKO of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba 鬼滅の刃 I share Japanese card game Menko designed Damon Slayer. 2021.12.13 Boys MangaMangaVoice Actor未分類
Culture New Year’s Card 年賀状 I introduce Japanese New Year's event namely New Year's Card Nengajyou年賀状. And I share you Eto干支. 2021.12.08 Culture未分類
Culture The end of the year in Japan I show you how Japanese people spend the end of the year. 2021.12.07 Culture未分類