Culture Setsubun 節分 I share Japanese event Setsubun. It is throwing away beans to devil and eating Ehoumaki it is a kind of sushi roll. 2022.02.03 CultureFood未分類
未分類 Itadakimasu いただきます I share some Japanese breakfast especially hotel breakfast at Kyoto. And I share some words Itadakimasu and Gotisousama for the meal. 2021.12.23 未分類
Food Uncle Rikuro’s Cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ I share you a famous cheese cake from Osaka called Uncle Rikuro's cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ 2021.12.15 FoodSweets未分類
Boys Manga MENKO of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba 鬼滅の刃 I share Japanese card game Menko designed Damon Slayer. 2021.12.13 Boys MangaMangaVoice Actor未分類
Culture New Year’s Card 年賀状 I introduce Japanese New Year's event namely New Year's Card Nengajyou年賀状. And I share you Eto干支. 2021.12.08 Culture未分類
Culture The end of the year in Japan I show you how Japanese people spend the end of the year. 2021.12.07 Culture未分類
未分類 Putting my kids to sleep. I share the truth of Japanese lifestyle especially putting my kids to sleep. 2021.10.08 未分類