
Setsubun 節分 

I share Japanese event Setsubun. It is throwing away beans to devil and eating Ehoumaki it is a kind of sushi roll.
Boys Manga

Furikake ふりかけ

I inform a Japanese furikake that is a dry seasoning powder to topping on a rice. Especially I share you Furikake of Demon Slayer.

O Dango お団子 (Japanese sweet rice dumpling)

I share you some Japanese sweet rice dumplings for example tastes, shapes and culture.
Boys Manga

A Convenience store’s sweets of Demon Slayer

I introduce Japanese snacks, Demon Slayer and a Japanese voice actor.

Tenkin-zoku 転勤族 Moving for business with family.

I introduce one case of Japanese family called tenkinzoku. They get transferred many times. and I share you Japanese winter!

Itadakimasu いただきます

I share some Japanese breakfast especially hotel breakfast at Kyoto. And I share some words Itadakimasu and Gotisousama for the meal.

Kyoto 京都観光

I share about Kyoto but not kyoto culture. I will share how Japanese people feel kyoto!

Uncle Rikuro’s Cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ

I share you a famous cheese cake from Osaka called Uncle Rikuro's cheese cake りくろーおじさんのチーズケーキ
Boys Manga

MENKO of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba 鬼滅の刃

I share Japanese card game Menko designed Damon Slayer.

Hagi no Tsuki 萩の月

I share one of t he Japanese sweets namely Hagi no tsuki 萩の月. It's from Miyagi prefecture in Japan.