We have the event at around 3rd of February every year in Japan it called Setsubun 節分. The day of Setsubun is the last day of winter or the day before starting of spring.
Throwing Beans 豆まき
Setsubun event is held for getting rid of evil and we have a custom to scatter beans about the house. We throw the beans to a devil that anyone of your family who put on a devil’s mask. It might be depend on the family. When we throw the beans, we say ” Devils out! 鬼は外 Fortune in! 福は内” . It called Mamemaki 豆まき.
After scattering beans, we eat as many beans as your age praying your health and great happiness. Usually Japanese people throw soy beans but it depends on region. When I was young, I used to use peanuts with husk for Bean Throwing in my hometown.
In this Setsubun season, there are many beans for Setsubun at the supermarket and some masks of devil for throwing beans besides the beans. Usually you can get the mask of devil for free.
Ehoumaki 恵方巻
We also have a custom at Setsubun that eat the stick sushi roll called Ehoumaki 恵方巻. We eat them with looking at one lucky direction of the year during finishing to eat all of one stick sushi roll and you don’t have to speak any words during eating it and think of your wish. By the way the lucky direction of this year is north-northwest. Though we need to stop talking during eating Ehoumaki, my kids are so talkative and we talk a lot after one bite!
Ehoumaki rolls many ingredients for example raw tuna, raw salmon, cucumber, omelet and other fresh fish anything you want. It’s very delicious like sushi but it’s kind of big so you have to be full.
Recently there are not only stick sushi rolls but also roll cakes at the supermarket and the roll cakes are decorated like devil. Anything rolled and anything devil is fine for Setsubun nowadays.
The event has been getting changed little by little. Some family who has not have small kids may not scatter beans but they may eat just a stick sushi roll. In my case, we scattered beans many times because my kids love to throw beans. In addition we put a mask of devil on a container and set the container high up on a wall in the room. Then you throw the beans at the face of devil and the container catch the beans. It is like a basketball and it is completely different to the traditional event of Setsubun but many Japanese people celebrate the event in their own ways.
I have shared you one of a Japanese event today. Did you enjoy it?
See you next time!