I went to 日本庭園 EXPO70’ Commemorative park with my family to see the beautiful fall leaves at Osaka大阪.
Actually there were so many people who came to the park to see the autumn leaves.
How beautiful is that fall leaves that there are green, red and yellow leaves!! As you know Japanese people love to see trees each seasons. We visit far away to see autumn leaves in this season especially recent days it becomes easy to go out because of the decreasing COVIT-19.
First I would like to show you the trees!!
What do you imagine form these trees? I definitely imagined respectable Rengoku Kyojuro煉獄杏寿郎 from these leaves colors that have yellow and red like his hair and his mantle. It is miracle!!! I will share that how Japanese people like Damon Slayer in my Blog, it’s very interesting.
Anyway I would like to share you the Japanese garden today!
There are so many kinds of gardens for example a English garden with so many beautiful flowers, a rose garden with a lot of fragrant roses and Japanese garden with some hearts. Japanese garden is famous for Bonsai and old people expressed many things in a garden.
How do you think this garden?
Are they just a stones and pond?
What do you imagine from this garden?
You can get a satisfaction with the meaning after reading the indication.
The rocks represent islands and the flagstones express the coast. I guess old Japanese people were portrayed a garden as the ocean and they were attracted by foreign countries because Japan is an island country and it was so difficult to visit foreign countries.
In addition Japanese people represented ideas by sands without any water like pond and river. It called Karesansui 枯山水, it means traditional Japanese dry landscape garden. Japanese people enjoyed to see the calm dry garden from the various patterns on the sands.
I will share more Japanese garden in this Blog.
See you next time!