Hand rolled sushi


Do you like sushi? Which kind of sushi have you eaten and how is sushi in your country? We have some kinds of sushi in Japan for example usual sushiすし, sushi roll巻き寿司, and hand rolled sushi手巻き寿司. You can buy many kinds of sushi in a Japanese super market.
As I uploaded yesterday, I ate some sashimiさしみ which is some slices of fresh fish and they were left some. I prepare the hand rolled sushi for dinner tonight using some left last night sashimi.

As you know, sushi is very good for diet because you don’t need any oil for cooking sushi so that sushi is so healthy.
The sashimi was changed to the hand rolled sushi tonight at my home.
I’m gonna share the hand rolled sushi today!

I prepare so many fillings for hand rolled sushi like the picture for example the salmon, the avocado, the sausages, the sliced cucumbers, some basil, the sliced omelets, the white radish sprouts, cheese, tomato, kimchi, some sashimi left of last night and of cause a lot of dried laver seaweeds!

You can choose every fillings as you like and put them on a toasted laver and steamed vinegar rice. If you want you add some mayonnaise on them.

After choosing fillings, you roll them with the dried laver.

Finally you can eat it!! How do you think about the hand rolled sushi? Is it difficult? Is it kind of strange to use your hand when you eat sushi?
If you want, you can season them with the soy sauce and some Japanese horseradish.

Sometimes you can choice some fried meat and some spice sauce is match to them.

The Natto fermented soy beans is good for a hand rolled sushi too and it is so good for your health.

My daughter cooked a sushi with some vinegar rice and a sashimi which were prepared for hand rolled sushi at the dinner time. It was good and cute! She was like a sushi chef!

I have been on a diet so I avoid food with many carbohydrates like rice. When I eat hand rolled sushi, I ate some shredded cabbage instead of the steamed vinegar rice so I can eat a lot of salad like cucumber and avocado and many protein for fresh fish! It’s extremely good for your health!

Anyway the hand rolled sushi is kind of entertainment that you can choose any fillings you want to eat and you can cook at the dinner table with your family and there are a lot of smiles and talking! I had a happy dinner time with my family today.

What did you eat for dinner tonight?

See you next time!

