Revolving sushi is collaborated with idol or anime!


What is current popular trend in your country? The trending has been changing anywhere. Talking about Japanese trend, anime and idol have been trending for a long time. Japanese companies often collaborated with the trending things.


Conveyor belt sushi

For a famous Japanese local food, conveyor belt sushi restaurant is very popular.
You order a sushi what you want from a touch panel at your seat, then the sushi is served on a belt conveyor. It’s so fun and you can order a sushi as many as you want. In addition, they are reasonable.
There is a capsule toy mashine in the belt conveyor sushi restaurant called “Kura sushi”. There is a window at your table to put a plate after eating sushi. The plate slide down into the window. After putting 5 plates, a game will start. If you win the game, you can get a toy from a capsule toy machine where is on upper the belt conveyor.


Capsule toy is collaborate with tranding things

The capsule toys are changed many times. When the toy is collaborated with a famous character, the sushi restaurants would get crowded. There are so many kinds of capsule toys for example, sticker, magnet, charm in it. They are small because it sized for a capsule so that they are so cute and interesting. Sometimes you can get a clear plastic folder, of course the folder is collaborated with something. But you need to eat sushi over 2500 yen! Many people force themselves to eat sushi for getting the folder.



Ado is a Japanese singer who no one knows her face because she has never appeared on TV show. Her voice is so strong and her song is very fascinating.
Ado is also collaborated with revolving sushi restaurant. But nobody knows her face so that the toys and the clear plastic folder are designed for her character.

Revolving Sushi Bar Kurasushi
Revolving Sushi Bar Kurasushi


Revolving sushi is so fun, furthermore the toys are so cute. The toys are collaborated with many fascinating characters depends on a popular trending. Delicious and fun!!

