Have you ever heard about Maiko? Maiko is one of traditional Japanese work in Kyoto.
Maiko practices Japanese traditional dance and learn courtesy strictly during the daytime. They drink and talk with customer at night. They make up thick white and lips are vividly red, wear a traditional wig and beautiful kimono. They talk peculiar Kyoto diarect and walk slowly, even move slowly.
Maiko for Japanese
Actually most of Japanese people have never seen Maiko in Japan. They are in only Kyoto, and the restaurant they work is extremely expensive. They are like a top star in TV. Japanese normal people are difficult to visit Maiko for money and common sense. They might be no longer exsit for people from over seas.

Anyway how do you pronounce “Michel” in English? For Japanese people, the pronouciation Michel and Maiko is almost same!! Can you believe it? In addition there is a place called Shin Maiko near Nagoya. And there are many women whos name maiko in Japan, but they are not the Maiko. Complicated!
My daughter drew the picture of Maiko in a school. She has never seen Maiko before but the Maiko looks like beautiful and feel like hear the sound of Maiko’s elegant and slow footsteps from the picture.