Sapporo Kuro Label with Shinkansen design

Japanese Beer

There are four famous beer companies in Japnan. They are KIRIN, ASAHI, SUNTORY and SAPPORO. Each company sells several kinds of beers. Most famous amd familiar beer of SAPPORO is Kuro Label. Have you ever tasted it?


SAPPORO Kuro Label

First, Kuro means black color in Japanese. The logo of kuro label is a star in a black circle. Some people might look at it before in your countries because it sells in many countries.

SAPPORO Kuro label is very dry and perfect balance of the taste of malt and the fresh after taste. The form is very creamy and you never get tired of it!
Sapporo has own malt that is the long lasting taste malt. The malt keeps fresh of taste and flavor. In addition it keeps the creamy foam too. SAPPORO Kuro label goes well with many kinds of dishes such as Sukiyaki, curry and rice or bacon!

大人の☆生 サッポロ生ビール黒ラベル | サッポロビール

Limited design

Such a delicious and popular Kuro label has been designed into Shinkansen and trains to celebrate 60th aniversary of shinkansen. They are limited edition and sell at only AEON where are famous chain supermarkets in Japan.

Each shinkansen has own name depends on where it runs. For example the shinkansen runs between Tokyo and Osaka named Nozomi or Hikari. Nozomi is faster than Hikari, but Hikari stops many stations. Other than that, there are Tsubasa, Hayabusa, Komachi and more.
Such a cool shinkansen is designed on the canned SAPPORO Kuro rabel. Why don’t you buy them?

イオン限定 祝 新幹線誕生60周年 第2弾 輝き続ける栄光の列車名コレクション | エンタメ | サッポロビール
「★乾杯をもっとおいしく。」サッポロビールのイオン限定 祝 新幹線誕生60周年 第2弾 輝き続ける栄光の列車名コレクションのページです。国鉄特急×新幹線Collectionのデザイン缶を合計2種 数量限定発売!


When you visit Japan, let’s enjoy the Japanese beers! Japanese beers go well with the Japanese foods. The draft beers brands are different depends on the restaurants. So enjoy several draft Japanese beers at the different restaurants! Why don’t you taste the shinkansen beer at your hotel?

