Fresh Smoothie from Seven Eleven Japan


Is a fresh smoothie a beverage you drink at a cafe? Or a beverage you make in the morning at you home? You can cook it at a convenience store in Japan!


Seven Eleven Japan

There are many delicious foods at Seven Eleven in Japan. It’s not only like a simple and quick store but also like a bakery and sweets shop! A cup of coffee from Seven Eleven is no longer better than coffee shop’s one. Seven sweets are authentic.
Seven Eleven Japan launched a fresh smoothie that you can cook at a shop!


Strawberry & Banana Soy Smoothie

Seven Eleven Japan sells three kinds of smoothies, Berries and Yogurt Smoothie, Green Smoothies and Strawberry & Banana Soy Smoothie.
It’s used foods like a stem of a broccoli or nonstandard fruits for reducing food waste.
The most feature point of the smoothie is what you cook at a store!
I share a strawberry & Banana Soy Smoothie here.


How to cook a Smoothie

There are cups which is full of frozen vegetables and fruits in a freezer at Seven Eleven. Take one and bring it to the check-out, they’ll ring it through for you.

There is a smoothie machine beside a check-out. Scan the barcode to the machine. Then tear off the lid of a smoothie and put on a cup into the machine. The fruits and honey are cube and frozen. They are stirred in the machine, so that it will be cold and keep cold.

Just after 70 seconds, a fresh smoothie is ready! It tastes subtle sweet comes from honey and fruits. Japanese soy gives it a smooth texture.

手軽に野菜や果物を!スムージーはじめよう!|セブン‐イレブン~近くて便利~ (


The frozen fruits were fresh, so the smoothie is also very fresh. It’s just about 300 yen!! And you can take it easily, it’s sold at convenience store. Just try it!

