Asahi launched A Japanese premium ALE beer “Fujisan” with AEON in the spring of 2024, it’s worth having and drinking! It’s made from 100% Japanese ingredients, and it’s sold at only AEON group shops in Japan.
Fujisan Japanese premium ALE
Asahi Fujisan ale is made from Japanese malt and Japanese hop, that is to say it’s a premium beer made from 100% Japanese ingredients. A brewer’s yeast in the beer has a beautiful aroma, the texture is smooth, making it a fun to drink. It brings a character of the premium Japanese ingredients that is a full-bodied flavor and a dry bitterness, so that you will never get tired of.
A Japanese-ish package
The package is The Great Wave of Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji. The color of a can is white. It’s a very Japanese taste.
When you come to Japan and take a picture, it’s just right and awesome!
The Fujisan Japanese premium ALE is sold at only AEON group shops. AEON is a huge company in Japan and it sells not only liquor but also daily use items or fresh foods. It’s fun to visit AEON shop when you visit Japan.
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There are many craft beers these days in Japan too. Why don’t you try several Japanese beers? You could find the difference between your country’s beer and Japanese one.