There are many hot snacks in Japanese convenience stores. They are a hot dog, French fries, Chinese steamed dumpling, fried chicken and more. Almost all of them are deep-fried or steamed at the stores so that they are freshly cooked and delicious!
The famous convenience stores especially compete for the best fried chickens.
Famichiki ファミチキ from Familymart
There are famous three convenience stores in Japan, Seven eleven, Lawson and Familymart. I’m going to share the fried chicken from Familymart here.
The popular fried chicken from familymart is called “Famichiki ファミチキ”. It is a boneless chicken and so juicy!! The outside of the chicken is crispy and the inside is soft and moist. Thanks to the paper back, it’s easy to eat. When you eat it. the paper back will be cut off and hold it by one hand.
People say Japanese fried chicken is a little different from when you imagine. Usually Japanese fried chicken is seasoned with soy sauce and ginger. Shapes like a small distorted ball. But Famichiki is not like a Japanese fried chicken. It shapes like rectangle and thin. And it doesn’t taste like ginger, it tastes a little spicy.
Famichiki buns ファミチキバンズ
Only buns are not sold so much in Japan. But a hamburger buns are sold by Family mart. It’s called “Famichiki buns” and it is for sandwiching a Famichiki in it. Some tartar sauce is previously inside the buns. After getting a Famichiki, just put it in the buns and then ready to eat!! Some fresh salad is sold at a convenience store, so you might have to buy some fresh vegetable to put in the hamberger.
There are so many delicious and high quality food at the Japanese convenience stores. When you visit Japan, it might be good to taste a fried chicken at the several different convenience stores!!