A squid pancake roll


What are you looking forward to doing in Japan, when you visit Japan?
Eating sushi? Wearing a kimono? Experience some Japanese cultures?
For one of the typical cultures, I recommend you to do ‘Eating while walking”. We call it “Tabearuki たべあるき” in Japanese.


Food stand

we have a Japanese festival in summer in Japan at shrine or a big park. There are many food stands there such as Japanese pancake, grilled squid, octopus balls, fried noodles, big cotton candy and more.
You can enjoy buying some foods from the food stands and eating them while walking around. Each foods are not so big and can be shared with your friends so that you can buy several foods from the different food stands.


A Squid pancake roll

Today I am going to share a squid pancake roll from the food stand.
Grilled whole squid is a common at the food stand in Japan and it is seasoned with soy sauce and it’s very chewy.
Have you ever heard about “Squid pancake roll”? You can eat it in Osaka food stand and it’s one of the famous foods in Osaka as same as Okonomiyaki that is Japanese savory pancake and Takoyaki that is octopus balls.

The dough is made with wheat flour and broth, and mixed some minced squid in it. Then grilled by an iron griddle that can press the dough from the top to the bottom like a sandwich toaster.
After grill, put some sauce on it and roll them. You can taste the simple squid and sauce taste.

You can wat it with one hand so that you can enjoy walking while eating!


Other food stands

Since you visit Japanese food stand, might as well you try a skewered sweet dumplings. Especially A sweet soy sauce dumplings on a skewer is very common here and delicious!! And each dumpling food stands has different features. For example one store’s dumpling is extremely soft or on the other shop, you can choose the dumpling burned longer or shorter.
There are some famous restaurants for a sweet skewered dumplings in Osaka.


There are delicious foods like sushi, sukiyaki すきやき and luxurious brand products in Japan, but also there are so many reasonable and tasty local foods here!!
Enjoy several sides of Japan!

