There are many convenience stores around the world and there are some popular convenience stores in Japan such as Seven eleven, Lawson, Family mart, Mini stop and more. Even among them, Family mart originated in Japan.
Family mart
Family mart was born in September 1973 for the first Japanese originated convenience store. There are 16,526 stores in Japan. The total amount of overseas stores in China, Philippine, Malesia, Vietnam, Indonesia are 7,995 stores. In total there are 24,521 family marts all over the world.
Sticky rice balls and whipped cream on sweetened bean paste 白玉クリームぜんざい
Japanese convenience stores sell original sweets and they are as very delicious as pastry shop. Especially sweets from Family mart are called “Famima Sweets”. These days Family mart sells a Japanese cup sweet “Sticky rice balls and whipped cream on sweetened bean paste”.
This type of dessert is called “Zenzai ぜんざい” in Japan. Zenzai is originally sweet red bean soup with sticky rice balls. But sweetened red bean paste is used instead of sweet red bean soup in this cup sweets. Whole sweet Azuki beans, sticky rice balls and whipped cream are on it. You can taste some different textures. It’s rubbery and smooth from sweet rice balls and chewy from sweet Azuki beans. Of course the whipped cream is fluffy and silky!!
Sweetened bean paste あんこ
Sweetened Azuki bean paste is often used for Japanese traditional confectioneries and the bean paste is called “anko あんこ” in Japanese. It’s divided roughly into two types. One of them is smashed bean paste and another is smooth bean paste. Both of them are very sweet and smells bean aroma.
There are so many delicious desserts from Japanese convenience stores and each types of convenience stores have different characteristics. Enjoy Famima sweets!!