mister donut ~ The new donuts are available now!~


There are many delicious and famous donut shops around the world and also in Japan as well.
In addition there are some kinds of donut’s style depends on the times. For example, a little hard donut like cookie and a very soft donut like bread were popular back then in Japan.
And a very chewy donut like rice cake called “pon-de-ring” has been also popular from few years ago in Japan. The “pon-de-ring” is a product from “mister donut” that is a famous donut company here.


Mister donut

The first Japanese mister donut shop opened in Minoh Osaka in 1971. Then mister donut has expanded the business and there are about 1000 mister donut’s stores all over Japan. Almost all Japanese people know about mister donut. In addition each donut costs about 200 yen. It’s kind of reasonable compared to the other donut shops here.


Collaborating products

Mister donut often collaborates with some famous shops, pâtissier or characters like Pierre Marcolini, Wittamer, Toshi Yoroizuka, Pokémon and more. Of course the regular products are always available at mister donut. On the other hand the collaborated products are too popular at a time of new release so it makes it hard to buy.


Gion tsujiri 祇園辻利

In this year mister donut collaborated with “Gion tsujiri” for a limited time. Gion tsujiri is a tea company especially Japanese tea “matcha”. There are many kinds of tea, confectionaries made from tea, even cosmetics contained tea.

宇治茶 祇園辻利・茶寮都路里 公式サイト
「宇治茶 祇園辻利」「茶寮都路里」の公式サイトです。800年の歴史を礎に、最高の宇治茶をお届けするために、祇園辻利は真摯にお茶に向き合います。京都・祇園の風情とともに、本当に美味しい宇治茶を味わっていただくことが私たちの喜びです。

Tea puff donut with chest nut cream and chewy jelly宇治ほうじ茶シュー 栗あんわらびもち

This donut’s dough is very soft and contains “Hojicha” by Gion tsujiri that is a rosted green tea. And sweet roasted chestnut paste and jellylike brown sugar rice cake called warabi mochi are inside the donut. You can enjoy the harmony of roasted aroma and taste of Hojicha, and the harmony of soft texture from the dough and the Japanese like fillings.


Top seller donut by mister donut is Pon-de-ring and it has been sold since 2003. The outside texture is crusty but the inside texture is extremely chewy like rice cake.
Some pon-de-ring has whipped cream inside and some pon-de-ring is top covered with chocolate. You might not have anything like this before!!

Zaku mocchi ring ザクもっちリング

Three completely new type of donuts has released by mister donut June 2, 2023. One donut has two kinds of fillings inside.

One of the new type of donut tastes spicy meat and potato. The dough is chewy and springy with top covered with paprika powder. The half filling is spicy tomato meat and another half filling is cheese flavored mushed potato. The outside is crunchy because it’s deep fried after battered. We can knock two birds out with one stone!!


There are so many donut’s shops in Japan and each shops are fascinating. There might be Mister donut shop in your country, but Japanese mister donut has also great, delicious and unique donuts!! You should try them!

